JOURNAL / JAPAN etc.(English)

JAPAN [Kanagawa]
Japanese Ingredients for the World’s Top Kitchens #30


Freshly Milled Flour, Wholesome Flavor


日本の小麦にこだわって麺を作り続ける 自家製粉の麺[神奈川]未来に届けたい日本の食材
text by Michiko Watanabe / photographs by Daisuke Nakajima / English text by Susan Rogers Chikuba

Each new day at Kaneko Seimen starts with milling the wheat grain.“There’s no doubt that freshly milled flour makes better noodles,” says President Takashi Kaneko. The milling machine is a model that leaves the bran on, making the company’s noodles and top-selling whole-wheat gyoza dumpling wraps richer in flavor and more nutritionally balanced than those made with refined flour.

“We introduced whole-wheat products when my father’s health failed,” says Kaneko. It was the 1970s, and interest in nutritive health was on the rise. The ingredients are simple: medium-strength, all-purpose flour from the no. 61 wheat cultivar used widely in Japan; Australian salt for the noodles and sea salt from Kochi prefecture for the wraps; and electrolyzed water from Nakai-machi’s underground springs.


Climate-controlled storage prevents bug infestation and optimizes the wheat ’s moisture content.

(写真左)小麦はすべて国産。玄麦で管理する。 (写真右)麺と並行するラインでは餃子の皮も製造。

(photo left)  It ’s unusual for one factory to handle both milling and product manufacture. All grains used by Kaneko Seimen are domestically grown. 
(photo right) Gyoza wraps on the production line.

かねこ製麺で使っている小型の製粉機。大型製粉機は麦の中心部と外部を分けて粉砕するが、小型 は丸ごとしか挽けないため、全粒粉になる。

Unlike larger models that separate the bran from the rest of the grain, this milling machine makes only whole-wheat flour. 

(写真左)餃子の皮や春巻き、シューマイの皮は麦の中心粉で作るものと全粒粉のものがある。中でも全粒粉の餃子の皮は「かねこ製麺」のベストセラー商品だ。 (写真右)乾麺も全粒粉と中心粉を使った2タイプをそれぞれ製造している。

(photo left)Both whole-wheat and refined versions of gyoza, spring-roll, and dumpling wraps are made. 
(photo right)Dried noodles, too, come in whole-wheat and refined options. 


President Takashi Kaneko.

◎Kaneko Seimen
994 Tanaka, Nakai-machi, Kanagawa

(The Cuisine Magazine /July 2017)

